domingo, 11 de octubre de 2009

Detenido un científico del CERN por sus conexiones con al-Qaeda

Se trataba de un físico francés de origen argelino, quien, junto a su hermano, proporcionó una lista de objetivos terroristas a la organización de al-Qaeda en el Magreb:

Fears that al-Qaeda is planning an attack on the nuclear industry in Europe were renewed yesterday after French secret agents arrested a physicist working at an atomic research centre.
After he was identified, during an investigation into a French network that had sent Islamic radicals to Afghanistan, the man was put under surveillance for about 18 months. Last month Judge Christophe Teissier, an investigating magistrate specialising in terrorism, opened a formal inquiry into his activities.

1 comentario:

D45 dijo...

Pues bien detenido está.

Saludos, Persio