domingo, 11 de octubre de 2009

Noé, prepara el arca

Nuestro economista favorito, Antal Fekete, da noticia en su último artículo de las ventas masivas de oro que está realizando el FMI. Otros que no se enteran y apuestan ciegamente por su descapitalización... Esto, sin embargo, son buenas noticias para el resto de los mortales; tenemos un tiempo extra para adquirir más oro antes de que éste empieze a escasear: "Aquéllos que buscan refugio en el oro no tienen porqué avergonzarse, a pesar del desdén de los medios y las academias. Al contrario, deben mostrarse orgullosos. Tienen una misión histórica que cumplir: Salvar nuestra civilización de la extinción absoluta. Son los pasajeros del arca de Noé, los portadores de las semillas con las que habrá que empezar de nuevo cuando las aguas se retiren."

Vanishing gold — measured by its vanishing basis — shows the greatest vote of noconfidence ever registered in all history, as far as confidence in the political and monetary leadership of the world is concerned. The gold will re-emerge triumphantly when the global regime of irredeemable paper money bites the dust — as it most certainly will in this century, probably during the next decade. When that happens, the paper tower of Babel will come crashing down. All paper fortunes will be wiped out. The world will stand denuded of its capital. It will be unable to pay wages to the workers, to say nothing about paying pensions to the retired segment of the population. We shall witness the greatest change of guards ever. Bankers will deny their profession and will, like John Law of Lauriston fleeing from Paris, put on female garments and leave town under the cover of the night. Only those with gold in hand will be able to provide capital to re-boot the productive apparatus of society and to rebuild the financial system necessary to support it.
Those who seek refuge in gold today have no reason to be ashamed, in spite of the scorn heaped upon them by the media and academia. Rather, they should be proud. They have an historic mission to accomplish — to save our civilization from total extinction. They are the inhabitants of Noah’s Ark. They carry the seed corn, and they are the custodians of the gene bank, with which they will have to start from scratch when the water recedes. Let the Nervous Nellies sell their gold into weaknesses in trying to turn a paper profit. Those strong in faith know that they are part of the select few, taking a voyage in the Mayflower to the Promised Land.

1 comentario:

D45 dijo...

Lo malo es que estos no piensan enterarse de nada. se han jurado fidelidad a su religión, el socialismo.
