lunes, 27 de abril de 2009

Propuesta de exilio: Ciudades en el mar

Desde el blog de Albert Esplugas alcanzo un artículo del nieto de Milton Friedman, quien, desengañado de que el proceso político no permita desarrollar alternativas que pongan fin a la voracidad de los Estados, propone colonizar nuevos mundos. Directamente. O sea..., irse. ¡A las colonias! La costa oriental del Egeo ya no está disponible, como lo estuvo para los dorios, ni el norte de África, donde los fenicios fundaron Cartago, ni la semivirgen América para los perseguidos puritanos europeos. Ahora la nueva frontera es el Océano, un lugar donde fundar ciudades-islas-estado en aguas internacionales.

Seasteading is my proposal to open the oceans as a new frontier, where we can build new city-states to experiment with new institutions. This dramatically lowers the barrier to entry for forming a new government, because expensive though ocean platforms are, they are still cheap compared to winning a war, an election, or a revolution. A lower barrier to entry means more small-scale experimentation. Also, the unique nature of the fluid ocean surface means that cities can be built in a modular fashion where entire buildings can be detached and floated away. This unprecedented physical mobility will give us the ability to leave a country without leaving our home, increasing competition between governments.
This plan is one of immediate action, not hope or debate. It makes use of the people we have now rather than trying to convert the masses, and avoids entrenched interests by moving to the frontier. Most importantly, it increases jurisdictional competition. It will not just create one new country, but rather an entire ecosystem of countries competing and innovating to attract citizens.

Para impulsar su propuesta, el nieto de Friedman ha fundado The Seasteading Institute. Igualmente ha publicado una web y un libro.

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