domingo, 2 de mayo de 2010

¿Corea del Norte torpedeó la plataforma petrolífera del golfo de México?

Es una teoría de la conspiración --y por tal hay que tomarla-- de la que se hacen eco varios medios USA, el más importante de los cuales es Michael Savage. Según esta teoría, que cita fuentes del Kremlin, un minisubmarino norcoreano habría lanzado un torpedo contra la plataforma petrolífera (construida y financiada por la empresa surcoreana Hyunday). Corea del Norte frente a Corea del Sur, sólo que en el mar Caribe y a 50 millas de la costa norteamericana... Sigo. El minisubmarino habría sido desembarcado de un carguero, igualmente norcoreano, que hizo escala, unos días antes, en una base naval cubana. Desde la isla comunista, el carguero tenía que haber seguido su ruta hacia el solar bolivariano de Chávez, pero se desvió para cumplir su misión mortal.

Obama ya ha mandado militares a la zona, se investigan las causas, no se dice nada. Normal. Se han intentado sellar los puntos de fuga del combustible, pero se ha fracasado. Se están ensayando incedios controlados para que arda todo lo que tenga que arder, para que el combustible no llegue masivamente a las costas de Luisiana o Florida. Hay quien dice que la única forma efectiva de controlarlo es mediante la detonación de algún dispositivo nuclear. Y aquí es donde entra en juego la segunda parte de la teoría. Obama tendría ante sí el dilema de usar o no armas nucleares ante un caso de semejante gravedad; o seguir con el continuo goteo de combustible en sus costas, durante semanas o meses. Si detona el arma nuclear habría sentado un precedente al que se acogerían naciones como Corea del Norte o Irán para desarrollar su propio armamento con vistas a una eventual emergencia nacional de parecida magnitud...

Como ya sabéis, tenemos el antecedente del buque de guerra surcoreano que hizo explosión hace un mes escaso, en el que murieron medio centenar de militares. Las causas no se conocen, pero Corea del Sur sospecha del vecino del norte...

¿Es ésta una teoría coherente, atrevida, imposible?

Vosotros mismos.

Ahí va, completa y en inglés:

A grim report circulating in the Kremlin today written by Russia’s Northern Fleet is reporting that the United States has ordered a complete media blackout over North Korea’s torpedoing of the giant Deepwater Horizon oil platform owned by the World’s largest offshore drilling contractor Transocean that was built and financed by South Korea’s Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. Ltd., that has caused great loss of life, untold billions in economic damage to the South Korean economy, and an environmental catastrophe to the United States.

Most important to understand about this latest attack by North Korea against its South Korean enemy is that under the existing “laws of war” it was a permissible action as they remain in a state of war against each other due to South Korea’s refusal to sign the 1953 Armistice ending the Korean War.

To the attack itself, these reports continue, the North Korean “cargo vessel” Dai Hong Dan believed to be staffed by 17th Sniper Corps “suicide”troops left Cuba’s Empresa Terminales Mambisas de La Habana (Port of Havana) on April 18th whereupon it “severely deviated” from its intended course for Venezuela’s Puerto Cabello bringing it to within 209 kilometers (130 miles) of the Deepwater Horizon oil platform which was located 80 kilometers (50 miles) off the coast of the US State of Louisiana where it launched an SSC Sang-o Class Mini Submarine (Yugo class) estimated to have an operational range of 321 kilometers (200 miles).

On the night of April 20th the North Korean Mini Submarine manned by these “suicidal” 17th Sniper Corps soldiers attacked the Deepwater Horizon with what are believed to be 2 incendiary torpedoes causing a massive explosion and resulting in 11 workers on this giant oil rig being killed outright. Barely 48 hours later, on April 22nd , this North Korean Mini Submarine committed its final atrocity by exploding itself directly beneath the Deepwater Horizon causing this $1 Billion oil rig to sink beneath the seas and marking 2010’s celebration of Earth Day with one of the largest environmental catastrophes our World has ever seen.
To the reason for North Korea attacking the Deepwater Horizon, these reports say, was to present US President Obama with an “impossible dilemma”prior to the opening of the United Nations Review Conference of the Parties to the Treat on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) set to begin May 3rd in New York.

This “impossible dilemma” facing Obama is indeed real as the decision he is faced with is either to allow the continuation of this massive oil leak catastrophe to continue for months, or immediately stop it by the only known and proven means possible, the detonation of a thermonuclear device.

Should Obama choose the “nuclear option” it appears that he would be supported by the International Court of Justice who on July 8, 1996 issued an advisory opinion on the use of nuclear weapons stating that they could not conclude definitively on these weapons use in “extreme circumstances” or“self defense”. On the other hand, if Obama chooses the “nuclear option” it would leave the UN’s nuclear conference in shambles with every Nation in the World having oil rigs off their coasts demanding an equal right to atomic weapons to protect their environment from catastrophes too, including Iran.


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